- WELCOME - We're glad to see you!
The real BUCK THEATER disappeared almost 40 years ago. It stood (barely) on the corner of Lameuse and Jackson streets. Who knows how long it had been around? - some say the early 40's...
From 1959 to 1965, the BUCK was independently owned and operated by Mr. Lew Andrews and his two sons, Tom and Jim. On March 2, 1965 (Mardi Gras), the old wooden structure burned to the ground. The lot lay vacant for some time, and eventually, like the song goes: "... They ... put up a parking lot".
For sure the BUCK was no movie palace - no lobby - hard seats - bare wood floors - and NO Air Conditioning! However, for "one thin dime" a kid could spend an entire Saturday afternoon watching Flash Gordon, King Kong, Roy Rogers, the Rocket Man, and the traditional TWO (2) Features .
The Buck's screen was a white painted wall where adventure and horror films came to life and coaxed screams of delightful surprise from the mostly kids audience.
Why the name? Well, for "just a buck" a family of three could see the show and have popcorn and candy as well! (Sorry soft drinks were not allowed....)
In the early 60's The Buck moved upmarket with features like The Ten Commandments (re-released) AND a first run of Fellini's La Dolce Vita!
Here, at the NEW Buck Theater, we feature mostly original films - suitable "for all audiences".
So settle back, and enjoy the most eclectic line-up of short films this side of Lameuse Street.
Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. (fredkemail-bucktheater.com)
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